Forcing an Operator Logout

Applies only to operators with 'Admin' security level. See Global and Tenant Scope for an explanation of the different security levels.

An operator with 'Admin' security level can force an active operator to be logged out, conforming to established management application standards. The operator with 'Admin' security level may (for example) need to urgently remove an active operator before another mistake is made and more damage is done.

To force an active operator to be logged out:
1. Access the relevant Global or Tenant scope (see Selecting a Scope: Global vs. Tenant).
2. Open the Operators page (System > Administration > Security > Operators).
3. Select the active operator to log out; their 'Active' status is indicated in the Status column.
4. From the now enabled 'Actions' drop-down, choose Force Logout.
5. Click the prompt Force Operator Logout to implement the action.